강원도 홍천에서 학생들을 태운 수학여행 버스가 7중 추돌 사고가 일어나 많은 사람들과 학생이 부상을 입었다는 소식이 있었습니다. 다행히도 사망사고는 아니었지만, 그래도 무려 80여명이 다친 사고였는데요. 원인이 졸음운전으로 추정된다고 해요.
홍천 수학여행 버스사고 자세한 시간 및 위치 그리고 사고 현황
강원도 홍천에서 16일 오후 1시 26분경 버스 등 7종 추돌사고가 일어났습니다. 위치는 강원 홍천군 화촌면 성산리 44번국도 동홍천IC 서울방향 입구로 이 버스에는 서울 소재 중학교 학생들이 버스 3대에 나누어 타고 있었는데요. 수학여행 버스가 신호대기 중이던 트럭과 차를 들이받으며 발생한것으로 알려졌습니다. 수학여행 버스 3대와 트럭 2대, 승용차 1대 등 차량 7대가 잇따라 부딪히며 학생 72명, 교사 4명, 운전기사 1명, 트럭 탑승자 3명이 부상을 입어 병원으로 이송되었습니다. 이 중 3명은 중상이라고 하네요.
신고 접수한 경찰 및 소방 당국 인원 50명이 공동 대응,사고 원인은 졸음운전으로 조사중.
사고 당시 버스와 트럭 등이 추돌하는 사고가 났다는 119신고가 잇따라 접수되었다고 하는데요. 경찰과 소방당국은 인원 50명과 장비 23대를 투입하였고, 빠르게 사고 현장에 도착하여 학생 등 82명의 부상자를 춘천지역 병원으로 분산 이송하며 사고현장을 정리하였습니다. 또한 경찰에 따르면 버스 기사로부터 깜빡 졸았다는 진술을 확보하였고, 졸음운전 탓에 사고가 난 것으로 보고 정확한 사고 경위를 파악하고 있다고 하네요.
안전 수칙 지킨 학생들 덕분에 더 큰 사고 면했다
어린 학생들이 타고 있었던 버스였던 만큼, 유리창 밖으로 튕겨나가는 등의 사고로 이어질 수 있었으나 학생들과 교사들이 안전 수칙을 지킨 덕에 더 큰 사고를 면했다고 하네요. 학생들은 교사의 지시에 따라 안전벨트를 착용하고 있었고, 맨 뒷 좌석은 안전상의 이유로 탑승을 금지하였다는데요. 만약 학교측에서 버스 탑승시의 학생 안전을 꼼꼼히 확인하지 않았다면 정말 인명피해가 크게 났을수도 있었던 상황입니다.
영어로 번역해서 공부하기
There was news about a major 7-vehible collision involving a field trip bus carrying students in Hongcheon, Gangwon Province. Many people, including students, were injured in the accident, fortunately without any fatalities. The accident resulted in injuries to over 80 individuals. It is suspected that the cuase of the accident was drowsy driving.
In regards to the detailed time, location, and current status of the accident involving the field trip bus in Hongcheon.
On the 16th of June in Hongcheon,Gangwon Province, a multiple-vehicle collision involving a math trip bus occurred at approximately 1:26 PM. The location of the accident was at the entrance of Donghongcheon IC on National Route 44 in Hwachon-myeon, Hongcheon-gun, Gangwon Province, heading towards Seoul. The bus was carrying middle school students from a school in Seoul, divided among three buses. It was reported that the field trip bus collided with a truck and a car while waiting at a traffic signal. In the accident, a total of seven vehicles were involved, including three field trip buses, two trucks, and one sedan. Seventy-two students, four teachers, one bus driver, and three occupants of the truck were injured and transported to the hospital. Among them, three individuals were reported to be in serious condition.
Fifty personnel from the police and fire authorities, who received the report, jointly responded to the incident. The cause of the accident is being invertigated as drwosy driving.
It was reported that multiple 119 emergency calls were received regarding a collision between the bus and the truck at the time of the accident. Fifty personnel and 23 pieces of equipment were dispatched by the police and fire authorities, who promptly arrived at the scene. They swiftly transported the injured, including 82 students, to hospitals in the Chuncheon area and cleared the accident site. According to the police, they obtained a statemenet from the bus driver admitting to briefly falling asleep, indicating that the accident was caused by drowsy driving. They are currently inverstigating the exact circumstances of the accident.
Thanks to the students who followed safety ruels, a bigger accident was avoided.
As the bus was carrying young students, there could have been accidents such as students being thrown out of the windows. However, thanks to the students and teachers who followed saftey rules, a bigger accident was avoided. The student were wearing seat belts as instructed by the teachers, and for safety reasons, boarding the back seats was prohibited. If the school had not thoroughly ensured the safety of students druing bus boarding, the situation could have resulted in significant casualties.
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